Claire Brady


Psychotherapeutic Counsellor

I'm an Integrative Psychotherapeutic Counsellor which means that I have been trained, and have experience in, a variety of theoretical approaches which helps me to tailor the work we do to your needs.

In practice, this means that I can draw on a number of approaches where we focus on how you feel in the here and now, how the past may be affecting you, or perhaps some coping skills or ways to support yourself going forwards.

I am very aware of how our emotions affect our bodies, our nervous systems and our sense of feeling safe in the world and will bring this into the work where suitable and with your permission. Most of my work is centred around 1:1 face-to-face talking although with permission we could use some more creative tools to help explore your thoughts and feelings. I have experience working with neurodivergence; the impact of diagnosis for both the individual and those surrounding them.

I understand how difficult it can be to make the first steps towards counselling, and finding the right person for you is very important. It can feel daunting and building a strong trusted relationship is essential - you are the priority.

People come to therapy for all sorts of reasons - together we can explore your thoughts and feelings, perhaps gaining some renewed clarity. What hurts or what matters most to you leads the way.


I hold an Advanced Diploma and BSc in Integrative Psychotherapeutic Counselling from Middlesex University.

Accredited member UK Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP)

Registered Member British Association for Counselling and psychotherapy (BACP).