Talking Therapy for Adults, Children, Adolescents, Parents and Infants, Couples, Families and Parents

8AKP Therapeutic Consultants is located in Cambridge and is unique in being able to offer a full range of professional practitioners and interventions to address your individual mental health needs

A service for everyone

8AKP has been set up to bring together a range of specialist practitioners, who are all qualified and well experienced in their fields, to meet the needs of our clients.

We know how difficult it can be to choose both the type of therapy that best suits your needs and also which particular therapist you might like to work with. At 8AKP we are here to help you decide on the right practitioner and the right course of treatment that exactly fits with your needs and what you would like to gain from a therapeutic journey.

Please contact us if you would like to talk through how we can help you.

Our Professionals


Psychotherapeutic Counsellors

Clinical and Counselling Psychologists


Family Therapists

Couples Therapists

Find our therapists

Click here to see our adult practitioners

Click here to see our child and adolescent practitioners

Click here to see our Parent-Infant Psychoanalytic Psychotherapists

Click here to see our family therapists

Click here to see our parenting consultant

Click here to see our EMDR specialist psychotherapists

Click here to our specialist therapeutic yoga practitioner

Click here to see our specialist Psychosexual Therapist

If you would like to contact one of our practitioners directly, please go to our Consultants page and click on the therapist you would like to contact.

What is a Psychotherapist?

What is a Counsellor?

What is a Psychotherapeutic Counsellor?

What is a Psychiatrist?

What is a Clinical Psychologist?

What is a Parent-Infant Psychotherapist?

What is EMDR?

What is Couples Therapy?

What is Family Therapy?

What is UKCP and BACP?